March 14 2019

News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants!

This month we learned about Polar bears and other arctic animals, we did very cool artwork.
We were learning all about the weather and we kept a weather journal for a week to record the different types of weather each day. We learned lots about aimsir in gaeilge. We made great symbols of sunshine, cloud, rain, snow and wind for our weather forecast corner. We took turns to forecast the weather all over Ireland.
In maths we are learning the story of 5 and we did a survey on eye colour in our class and showed the results on a pictogram.
Daily reading has started and we are really excited to read a different book everyday.
Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants!
March 14 2019

News from Ms. Woods’ Junior Infants!

This month we went to the polar regions with our Aistear.

We made penguins and polar bears and had great fun finding out about Tom Crean and all his adventures in Antartica.


We set up camp and went fishing in the arctic and followed Tom Crean’s example and went to explore the South pole. We looked at the emperor penguin and were amazed to see that the male penguin minds the eggs.


We spent a lot of time learning our jolly phonics sounds and are now able to blend them to form words. We are learning the story of five in Maths.We sang, did poetry and lots of irish.We had a great time!
Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on News from Ms. Woods’ Junior Infants!
January 20 2019

News from Ms. Woods’ Class!

We have had a very busy couple of months in Ms. Woods’ Junior Infant class. Our theme for November was food and we had a pizza parlour and an ice cream shop in our socio-dramatic area in the classroom. We designed our own restaurants with stickle bricks and created pizzas from play dough and paper.


We were all delighted to see the Sam Maguire cup when it was brought into the classroom by Steve our GAA coach. UP THE DUBS !!
All our hard work paid off when we were fantastic in our play ‘The First Nativity’. We made angels, Christmas trees, snow scenes, and Christmas wreaths. As usual, we had lots of fun while working hard at our maths. jolly phonics and writing.
Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, Art, Drama | Comments Off on News from Ms. Woods’ Class!
January 20 2019

News from Ms. Black’s Class!

We had a very busy, exciting month in December. We made lots of colourful Christmas decorations. We learned how busy the post office is at Christmas time and we designed our own Christmas cards. We worked hard at learning our lines, songs and dances for our Christmas play. We looked very cute in our costumes and enjoyed performing for our families and the school.
Back at school now, we have been busy learning about Antarctica. We made cute penguins and learned many interesting facts about emperor penguins.  We heard about Tom Crean the heroic Irish Antarctic explorer and we designed our own boats. We were experimenting with lots of different item to see what floats and sinks. In reading we are practising tricky words and writing three letter words ourselves.
We have dance classes with Ms. Casey on Tuesdays and PE on Wednesdays. Next week we are looking at polar bears and other arctic animals.


Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on News from Ms. Black’s Class!
January 10 2019

Junior Infants – Room 9

Working on our shapes

Hello and Happy New Year Everyone,

We are all delighted to be back after Christmas, we have only been back for a week and at the moment we are learning about the South Pole.

The South Pole

We are learning about animals, the weather,  and transport that you would use in the South Pole.  Our play area is set up for camping in the South Pole and we have played at cooking food.  We have binoculars, toy penguins and maps to enhance our learning experience.  We have made penguins in Art which are displayed outside our room – come and check them out:)

Our Lovely Penguins
Playing in the South Pole:)



We have been learning about different shapes.  We’ve been making sets and working out which set each shape belongs in.



We have also been learning a poem called The Penguin.

That’s all from Junior Infants – hope you all had a great Christmas and loved our play, as much as we loved doing it.  Bye for now.





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December 9 2018

News from Ms. Woods’s Junior Infants

October was a scary month in Ms Woods Junior Infants class. The children opened their own fancy dress clothes shop and there were witches, ghouls and wizards everywhere. They were even writing their own spells in a spell book.

Some witches were hanging around the corridor outside our door.

We had witchy stories and poems and we were learning lots of new words from Oiche Shamhna in Bua na Cainte. We were learning lots of new things while having a great time.

Category: Junior Infants, Gaeilge, Aistear | Comments Off on News from Ms. Woods’s Junior Infants
December 4 2018

Junior Infants – Ms Walsh

Hi Everyone,


We have been very busy and having fun here in Junior Infants, even though we are missing Ms Walsh.


We have been working hard at our Nativity play and we are learning all our songs for that:)


Here we are making or Christmas trees and wreaths, you will see them outside our door when you are coming in to school.

We are also hard at work playing with lego and playdough.

In SPHE we have been learning all about different tastes, like sweet, sour and salty and deciding we we like, and which we don’t like.



We have been doing some relaxation with the book Listen to the Sky which we all really enjoy and feel very relaxed afterwards.


Listen to the Sky Relaxation


Thanks for reading this and see you at our play – We can’t wait!

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November 18 2018

News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants!

We had lots of practice at shopping and dressing up in our Fancy Dress Costume Shop. The cake sale was great fun and we looked fabulous in our Halloween costumes.
We are learning our Jolly Phonics letters and sounding out words. We are working on recognising  the tricky words too. We are practicing our caterpillar letters c o a d g.
Our topic for November is food we have enjoyed stories  like Pizza at Sallys, The Tiger Who Came To Tea and Frogie  Eats Out! We have a pizza restaurant in our role play corner. We have done art activities on pizzas and made pasta necklaces. Next week we will continue our food topic with a cafe and ice cream parlour .We are looking forward to cooking pizzas at the end of our food topic.
We are writing our numbers and playing maths games  and  doing lots of counting. We have started practising for our Christmas Show and we are having great fun learning the songs and  dancing!
Last week we were  on the stage at assembly and sang a song and recited two poems.
Category: Junior Infants, Numeracy, Aistear, Art | Comments Off on News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants!
October 14 2018

News from Ms. Wood’s Junior Infants

September has been a busy month in Ms Woods’s Junior Infant’s class. We are all getting used to school, making new friends and learning lots of new things.

We are learning our Jolly Phonics sounds and nursery rhymes old and new. Our theme for Aistear was ‘Homes’ so we have had a week based on Goldilocks and the Three Bears  and The Three Little Pigs and two weeks based on ‘The Scarecrow’s Wedding’. Activities include role play while using new words, construction, art and craft, sequencing activities and much more. In Maths we are exploring number and doing pattern.



We are learning to write new letters in sand, on whiteboards, in marla as well as on paper.

We love gymnastics and ball skills and we are always having fun while learning lots.



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October 14 2018

News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants

We have settled into school and made lots of new friends. We work and play really well together. We are learning letters and enjoy singing the jolly phonics songs. We have been making repeating patterns in maths and learning our numbers and counting sets.

We learned lots about Autumn and made lovely colourful autumn trees . We have collected lots of leaves, acorns and conkers. We learned a poem about a squirrel called Whisky Frisky!

We have enjoyed the story about The Scarecrow’s Wedding and did role play, construction and art activities based on it. We made fabulous scarecrows and  they even have repeating patterns on their clothes.


We are doing really well at GAA football skills, our coach Steve is very impressed. We are looking forward to Halloween and will make some scary Witches and funny pumpkins.



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