April 12 2019

Hard at Work in Ms. Woods’ Class!

Time is marching on and it is hard to believe that we have only one short term left in Junior Infants. Everyone has been hard at work in Room 1.

We are busy reading new books every day and have started to write our own sentences. We had a great time dressing up as our favourite book character. Some of the older children came down and read us our favourite book.
Our doctor’s surgery, vet clinic and farm have kept us busy  in our play corner during aistear.
The signs of spring were evident when we went on a nature walk to see the newts in the pond and we all made our spring display. We have been learning about the lifecycle of the frog and the chick as well as animals and their young.
We all dressed up in green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day and we spoke in Irish and sang Irish songs to celebrate seachtain na gaeilge. We made cards to thank our Mums for being so great and to celebrate Mother’s Day.
We are doing lots of number stories and are as usual working hard while having fun.

Posted April 12, 2019 by Admin in category "Junior Infants", "Literacy", "Maths", "Aistear", "Art