June 29 2024

New Teachers Introduced…

We welcome four new teachers to our school next year, Ms. O’Hare, Ms. Bradley, Ms. Errity and Ms. Bosveld, although two of them, Ms. Bradley and Ms. Bosveld have already completed some work with us during this academic year. Ms. Bradley will teach 1st class, Ms. O’Hare will teach 3rd class and Ms. Bosveld and Ms. Errity will take up roles as  Special Education Teachers.  Please find below messages from all four new members of our teaching staff:

A message from Ms. Errity:

Hello, my name is Rebecca, I have over 10 years teaching experience and very much look forward to joining the team in St. Anne’s in September. I love teaching and I am particularly focused on creating positive learning opportunities where children are engaged and supported. Wellbeing, Yoga and Sport are areas which are of special interest to me which I include in my daily lessons. 

A message from Ms. Bosveld:

‘Hi! My name is Elizabeth Bosveld, and I am a qualified primary school teacher from the Netherlands. I qualified in 2021 and have worked as a teacher in the Netherlands since then. In 2023 I obtained my Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences. I moved to Ireland almost 6 months ago, with the aim of working in education here. I’m excited to start as a Special Education Teacher in St. Anne’s while I also work on my Irish!’

A message from Ms. Bradley:

‘Hi! I am Sara Bradley and I am delighted to be joining the amazing team in St Anne’s. I completed my Bachelor of Education degree in primary teaching in St Patrick’s College, DCU, specialising in Geographical, Environmental and Outdoor Education. I have worked in many different schools across Dublin, and I have particularly loved working in St Anne’s for the past couple of months. I am passionate about children’s wellbeing and I am enthusiastic about creating a safe, supportive and fun learning environment. I love learning through play, and my experience in working in a Montessori School has helped to shape my teaching style in this way. I am really excited to get to know all the children and have a great year filled with fun and learning!’

A message from Ms. O’Hare:

‘Hi everyone! My name is Laura O’ Hare and I have been a teacher in Ballyfermot for the last five years. My hobbies include tennis and music and I love to bring my passion for sport and music into the classroom! I am really looking forward to my new adventure in St. Anne’s where I’ll be closer to home and can’t wait to meet all of you and the children in September!’

Category: First Class, Third Class | Comments Off on New Teachers Introduced…
June 29 2024

Graduation 2024

We had such a memorable and special day on Wednesday, when we said a fond farewell to our Graduating 6th classes, through stories, memories and song….we wish you every success and happiness in Secondary School!

Category: Sixth Class, Music | Comments Off on Graduation 2024
June 28 2024

Our Final Term in Ms. Olson’s Second Class!

Wow what a year it has been in Ms. Olson’s Second Class! We have really enjoyed ourselves over the year and we are ready for Third Class.

Here are our highlights from our final term!


We learnt all about report genre writing this term and we worked very hard at writing reports about different topics. We really enjoyed researching facts and information on the iPads to help us in writing our reports and they were a very interesting read! We also loved reading our class novel ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.


This term we enjoyed learning about ‘Bia’ (Food); ‘Sa Bhaile’ (At Home); An tEarrach (Spring), ‘Siopadóireacht’ (Shopping), ‘An Teilifís’ (Television) and ‘An Samhradh’ (Summer) and we are continuing to develop our reading, writing and oral language skills.


We love maths in Second Class and this term we focused on learning about money, rotations and angles, pattern, place value, number, how to subtract with renaming, learning our 2x multiplication tables, data, area and capacity. We really enjoyed coming up with questions to survey our class on before constructing graphs out of concrete materials and representing our data pictorially and abstractly on block diagrams. We also measured the area of different things and explored capacity by measuring and pouring.



We received our First Holy Communion on Saturday 18th May 2024. We had a very special ceremony in St. Anne’s Church celebrated by Fr. Michael O’Sullivan. We had been practising for a number of weeks before our Sacrament learning hymns, saying our readings and prayers and of course learning how to receive Communion. On the day we processed into the church with the priest as the choir sang beautifully in the background. Afterwards we went to the school for a party run by the PTA. The hall was decked out in gorgeous decorations and we had some much fun! On the Monday after our Communion we had our photographs taken and had a big party in the classroom with a yummy cake, lots of treats, music and dancing! We even had a game of ultimate tag out in the yard before home time. It truly was a very memorable occasion!



We learnt all about the weather and the water cycle in S.E.S.E. We conducted a couple of experiments including creating the water cycle in a zip lock bag and we made raining clouds using water, food colouring and shaving foam! We also had an amazing Stem Day towards the end of June. We investigated which material would make the best kite out of paper, bin bags, tinfoil, fabric and cardboard. The paper and bin bags proved to be the most successful. Other classes came to view our kites and we loved going around to other classes to see what they had made too!



We had a lovely Wellbeing Day this year in April! We enjoyed having extra yard time, playing card games, listening to music and doing some mindfulness colouring.


We had a very busy Active Schools Week in May and it was so much fun! We had our sports day on Tuesday where we enjoyed doing basketball shoot outs, long jump, an obstacle course, relay races, hockey, croquet, penalty shoot outs, bean bag races and target throws. Team C was the winner of sports day but we all thoroughly enjoyed taking part! We also had lots of fun doing bowling, rugby and yoga throughout the week on top of our regular P.E. with Coach Ed, Dance with Ms. Casey and swimming on a Friday. On Friday afternoon we had our Family Fun Day up at Stonebridge Pitches. We had lots of fun doing circuits, penalty shoot outs, target throws, an obstacle course, egg and spoon races and three legged races! Our parents even joined in too. Afterwards we danced to music, had a picnic with lots of treats and enjoyed blowing bubbles and soaking our friends at the wet sponge throwing event! It was a fantastic day! We also headed up to the pitches on Monday for parachute fun!


Visual Arts

In Music, we had been working really hard to learn all our hymns for our First Holy Communion and we sang them beautifully on the day. We also continued on with our Dabbledoo lessons enjoying learning about the Pentatonic Scale. We made some beautiful art pieces for our Communion including First Holy Communion suncatchers and lovely salt dough crosses. We also made Father’s Day Cards and rainy day resist umbrella pictures. We used wax crayons to draw an umbrella and a straw to blow paint around it, we were able to wipe off any paint then off our umbrella!


School Tour

We had a fantastic time on our school tour to Fort Lucan. We loved the water slides, helter skelter, go-karts, mini golf and the playground!


Leaving Parties

We were sad to see three of our friends leave our class this year but we wish them all the best of luck in their new schools and we couldn’t let them leave without throwing them a farewell celebration! Best of luck in your new schools D, T and R!


What a fantastic year it has been in Second Class! I will miss having this lovely class but I know that the children will have a wonderful time with their new teacher next year. I wish you all a fantastic summer break and the very best of luck in Third Class!

Category: Second Class, Literacy, Maths, Gaeilge, S.E.S.E, Art, S.P.H.E, Physical Education, Religion | Comments Off on Our Final Term in Ms. Olson’s Second Class!