October 3 2018

Junior Infants and Ms Walsh Getting Creative for Autumn

We have all settled in really well to life in Junior Infants.  We have had a lot of fun learning each other’s names, making new friends and learning all about each other.

In maths we have been sorting sets, making patterns, learning all about 2d and 3D shapes and playing some fun maths games like “sweetie jar”.
We are enjoying learning our jolly phonics sounds every day.  Our Aistear theme for September was homes and houses.  We explored this theme through junk art, role play, construction, sequencing and through márla.
We have also been learning so much about Autumn.  We liked making these clay hedgehogs and Autumn
            Making Autumn Trees                               Happy Hedgehogs
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November 13 2017

Art and Aistear in Junior Infants

All the Junior Infant Classes this month made scary witches and dingle dangle scarecrows. This week their story is ‘Pizza at Sally’s’. They are making pizza art and crafty art materials. Their play areas are restaurants now too. The sounds they are learning are g and o. Ms Walsh’s class also made Halloween cards. Ms Black’s class had a fancy-dress costume shop. Ms Woods’ class are learning ‘Mary had a Little Lamb’.

By Alex

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October 16 2017

News from Junior Infants


All Junior Infant classes (Ms. Black, Ms. Woods and Ms. Walsh) have been learning a lot about themselves and about nursery rhymes. The children have been doing the three little pigs and have made houses of brick, straw and wood.


Ms. Black’s class have been learning about letters and Ms. Woods’ class have been interested in scarecrows. Ms. Walsh’s class have been making new friends and have been making hedgehogs out of clay and sticks. All three classes have been very busy and are so happy to be at big school.


Ms. Woods’ Scarecrows
By Kate, Media Team
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June 7 2017

News from Ms. Hodgin’s Class

Ms Hodgin’s class were doing ‘Houses and Homes’ in their Aistear theme. They also
learned about Hansel and Gretel. They are learning this story through sequencing, storytelling and art.

The Junior Infant Classes also went on their school tour to Tick Tock Farm in
Arklow. It included petting the animals and feeding them. It had a few
playgrounds and ride on tractors and trollies.

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May 8 2017

Interviews in Junior and Senior Infants

Hey guys, welcome to this month’s blog story!

I interviewed Michael, who is a student in Mrs Black’s class and Ms. Olson – one of the Senior Infants’ teachers.
Michael really likes school and his teacher because he said both are fun! They do lots of Maths, English and Irish in his class and he loves most subjects. The best part of his day is playing with his friends in yard and in one word he described school as “good”! Michael, if you’re reading, thank you very much for the great interview!

Next I had a very interesting conversation with Ms. Olson. She loves being a teacher in St. Anne’s because of the lovely atmosphere, the children here are always happy and smiling, and it is a nice place to teach. She has been teaching here for two years and last year she was teaching resource. Last year she also taught in St. Peter’s in Bray so she actually split her time between both schools! She said the funniest thing she has experienced in St Anne’s was just recently, when she watched the children’s reactions to the chicks hatching out of their eggs in her classroom. She loves Maths time because they play lots of games and she believes the children enjoy doing maths through play. The reason she loves teaching is because for her, every day is different, no two days are the same, and you meet and get to know so many wonderful children.

The big news in Ms Olson’s class this month, was the hatching of the famous chicks – Mario and Lu-Cheapy. They went from eggs to chicks in her classroom! Unfortunately they grew up too quickly and the class had to say goodbye. The good news is that they have gone to a new home where they are very happy!

By Ava, Media Team

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