February 14 2025


Second Class have been learning all about the rainforest. As part of our learning, we embarked on an art project, working collaboratively, to create the four layers of the rainforest – forest floor, understory, canopy and emergent layers.
We built dioramas of the rainforest using shoeboxes. Each child created their own diorama which we joined together to create the exhibit. Initially we had to work together to ensure that the trees in the shoebox above and below us lined up correctly. We used cardboard tubes to create the trees and painted the boxes. We then added different materials to create vines, flowers and leaves. We created animals relating to our layer out of clay before painting them and adding them to the boxes. Finally we stuck all the boxes together to create our rainforest!
Category: Second Class, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on Rainforests
December 11 2024

News from 2nd Class

We have been learning about 3D shapes and length in Maths in Ms. Olson’s class. We made cubes, cuboids and pyramids with cocktail sticks and marshmallows and we measured different things in our school including the length and width of our classroom and corridor.
We also enjoyed our last session with Coach Ian from Bar Monkey. We worked on developing our gymnastics skills by doing frog stands, bridges and hanging from the bar.
We are very creative in Second Class. In November, we learnt about Space and made lovely sponge painted planets. We have also been doing lots of Christmas art. We made snowmen, advent wreaths and Christmas tree suncatchers. Our classroom has had a Christmas makeover and we have a special visitor, our class elf, Mistletoe.
Finally we performed ‘The Night Before Christmas’ for our parents at the beginning of December and did a fantastic job. Everyone was so proud of us!
Category: Second Class, Maths, Art, Music, Physical Education | Comments Off on News from 2nd Class