June 8 2017

Third Class News

The three third classes did the Córfhéile in the National Basketball Arena on the 10th of March. They sang three songs in Irish and did some Irish dancing. They are now practicing a song from a musical for the End of Year Show. Also, the three third classes performed in assembly doing two songs on recorder.

Ms. Aivalikli’s class got busy on the 5th of May raising money towards the new design for the reception hall

They sold hot dogs for €2. They also planned a fun nature scavenger hunt for €1. They raised €1,000 profit. The school will be very happy once they see the amazing new design that Ms. Aivalikli’s class happily funded for. They also did a project on space.

Ms Elmes class are currently doing a project on ancient Greece. They also made a rainbow display for summer outside their classroom.

Posted June 8, 2017 by Admin in category "Third Class", "Media Team