June 8 2017

Our Communion and New Trends in 2nd class!

Ms Dawson’s class are reading Fantastic Mr Fox. They also did area with fidget spinners and they made parachutes. This class made their First Holy Communion on the 21st of May. They prepared for their First Holy Communion by learning songs and prayers and designing pictures with the chalice and the body of Christ on them. The chalice had their name on it, the date of their communion and Father John’s name. This class also are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Ms Maguire’s class are learning about space, in particular, the sun, Earth and moon. They made their First Holy Communion on the 28th of May 2017 at 10:30 am. Father John gave their First Holy Communion Mass. They prepared for their First Holy  Communion by learning their prayers and the responses.

Posted June 8, 2017 by Admin in category "Second Class", "Media Team