December 5 2024

Mansion House

6th Classes had a successful visit to the Mansion house on Wednesday. During the visit, the children learned about the History of the Mansion House and its role as the residence of Dublin’s Lord Mayors. The visit finished with a tour of the house and they learned about the historic meeting of Ireland’s first parliament in the Round Room in 1919.

Category: Sixth Class, History | Comments Off on Mansion House
November 27 2024

4th Class: The Famine & European Countries

The children in Ms. Elmes’ class have been learning about The Great Famine this month, the causes of the Famine, during the famine and after the famine. They read a lot about it and wrote poems about it in pairs.

Mr. Higgins’ class have been working on projects about a country in Europe of their choice. They began their projects on the chromebooks and worked on them for a number of weeks before orally presenting them to the rest of the class.
Category: Fourth Class, Geography, History | Comments Off on 4th Class: The Famine & European Countries
November 23 2024

Dance & GAA in Junior Infants

Junior Infants have been really active recently between Ball Skills with coach Steve and dance with Ms Casey. They have practiced many ball skills with coach Steve to get them ready to play Gaelic football. They also recently got a chance to try some hurling. This was very exciting as they got to put on helmets and use hurls.

Ms Casey has also started dance with them and they are really enjoying it. Each session starts with a warm up and the classes then get a chance to learn a dance routine.
Category: Sport, Junior Infants | Comments Off on Dance & GAA in Junior Infants
November 22 2024

Leave No Trace

6th Class recently participated in the Leave No Trace program, engaging in a series of workshops focused on environmental protection and the preservation of Shankill’s local amenities.

As part of the program, the class visited Shanganagh Park, where they explored nature trails and identified various facilities within the community. Following this, the students worked on projects reflecting their learnings, which they presented at the conclusion of the workshops.

This project has helped with our understanding of environmental stewardship but also highlighted the importance of our local resources here in Shankill.

Category: Green Team, Sixth Class, S.E.S.E | Comments Off on Leave No Trace
November 7 2024

A Treasure Hunt!

Junior  Infants recently read the  book ‘Room on the Broom ‘. They loved it! They then tested  their memory by taking part in a treasure hunt where they had to solve clues  to find treasure. They worked together to answer questions about the book. They found  the treasure  in Mr Fingleton’s office and were delighted that it was some well deserved jellies!
Category: Junior Infants, Literacy | Comments Off on A Treasure Hunt!