April 3 2019

News from Ms Livingston’s Class

Welcome to Ms. Livingston’s Senior Infants. This month, our Aistear theme was People who help us. We learned all about people in our community such as firefighters, doctors, nurses, dentists, lollipop ladies, paramedics, lifeguards and more! We performed two poems at junior assembly, one about how firemen help us and another about the gardaí.

We all dressed up in our Irish colours for St. Patrick’s Day! We looked at the St. Patrick’s Day parade and also how other countries celebrate it around the world.

We went on a Spring nature walk around the school grounds. We recorded any signs of spring. We found a lot of daffodils. We also saw lots of different flowers which some classes had planted in Senior Yard. We used our five senses while on our walk. We could smell lavender from the school garden. We also could hear birds chirping.

We also planted our very own seeds from the Incredible edible programme. We first planted the seeds in small containers in our class. Some of the food we planted were turnips, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, strawberries, and chives. When they started to sprout in the pots, we moved them and planted them in the garden. We hope to see them grow even more!

Category: Senior Infants, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Geography, Science | Comments Off on News from Ms Livingston’s Class
March 14 2019

News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants!

This month we learned about Polar bears and other arctic animals, we did very cool artwork.
We were learning all about the weather and we kept a weather journal for a week to record the different types of weather each day. We learned lots about aimsir in gaeilge. We made great symbols of sunshine, cloud, rain, snow and wind for our weather forecast corner. We took turns to forecast the weather all over Ireland.
In maths we are learning the story of 5 and we did a survey on eye colour in our class and showed the results on a pictogram.
Daily reading has started and we are really excited to read a different book everyday.
Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants!
March 14 2019

News from Ms. Woods’ Junior Infants!

This month we went to the polar regions with our Aistear.

We made penguins and polar bears and had great fun finding out about Tom Crean and all his adventures in Antartica.


We set up camp and went fishing in the arctic and followed Tom Crean’s example and went to explore the South pole. We looked at the emperor penguin and were amazed to see that the male penguin minds the eggs.


We spent a lot of time learning our jolly phonics sounds and are now able to blend them to form words. We are learning the story of five in Maths.We sang, did poetry and lots of irish.We had a great time!
Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on News from Ms. Woods’ Junior Infants!
March 11 2019

Back to School with a Bang in Senior Infants!

January was an interesting month in Senior Infants because we learnt all about Egypt! We had lots of fun during Aistear time. We enjoyed playing in the Airport Role Play corner where we pretended to be going on our holidays to Egypt. We liked building pyramids out of Lego. We pretended to be archaeologists digging for buried treasure during sand play and we worked as a team to create cool mummies and sarcophaguses.


In English, we spent a lot of time on narrative writing as we entered the Write a Book Project. Our book was about a little boy and a little girl called John and Jojo. They went on a school tour to an Egyptian museum and managed to travel back in time to have a scary encounter with a mummy! It all turned out ok in the end though!

In Gaeilge, we learned many songs and phrases around the topics of Bia (food) and Éadaí (Clothes). We loved playing little language games using picture cards in pairs because we were able to talk to our friends using the simple phrases that we’d learnt. In Maths we revised pattern and data. We made lots of different patterns using shapes, camels, pegboards and unifi cubes. We did a survey of our class to investigate what everyone’s favourite toy was and then we recorded the data by making bar charts.



In S.E.S.E we learnt all about Egypt. We learned about Egypt’s landscape, rivers, mountains and cities. We learnt about Egyptian food and animals that you might find in Egypt such as camels, cheetahs, crocodiles, hyenas and cobras. Then we learnt about Egyptian pharaohs such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra and about pyramids and mummies. We found it all very fascinating!

In Art, we wrote our names in Egyptian hieroglyphs and we made pharaoh pictures using our photographs. We also made Egyptian golden necklaces using dyed pasta! They all turned out really well!


In Music we’ve been learning lots of songs as we always start our day with a song. We particularly enjoyed learning the song ‘Over in the Meadow’ and we loved performing it for our Grandparents on Grandparent’s Day. In Drama, we read the story ‘The Girl with the Red Slippers’ which is an Egyptian version of Cinderella. We had great fun pretending to be ballerinas and acting out the different parts in the story. Finally, we have been doing dance in P.E with Catherine Casey and we learnt a dance from the Lion King. You can check it out on our twitter page – @MsOlsonsClass

Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Numeracy, Gaeilge, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Drama, Physical Education | Comments Off on Back to School with a Bang in Senior Infants!
January 20 2019

News from Ms. Woods’ Class!

We have had a very busy couple of months in Ms. Woods’ Junior Infant class. Our theme for November was food and we had a pizza parlour and an ice cream shop in our socio-dramatic area in the classroom. We designed our own restaurants with stickle bricks and created pizzas from play dough and paper.


We were all delighted to see the Sam Maguire cup when it was brought into the classroom by Steve our GAA coach. UP THE DUBS !!
All our hard work paid off when we were fantastic in our play ‘The First Nativity’. We made angels, Christmas trees, snow scenes, and Christmas wreaths. As usual, we had lots of fun while working hard at our maths. jolly phonics and writing.
Category: Junior Infants, Aistear, Art, Drama | Comments Off on News from Ms. Woods’ Class!
January 20 2019

News from Ms. Black’s Class!

We had a very busy, exciting month in December. We made lots of colourful Christmas decorations. We learned how busy the post office is at Christmas time and we designed our own Christmas cards. We worked hard at learning our lines, songs and dances for our Christmas play. We looked very cute in our costumes and enjoyed performing for our families and the school.
Back at school now, we have been busy learning about Antarctica. We made cute penguins and learned many interesting facts about emperor penguins.  We heard about Tom Crean the heroic Irish Antarctic explorer and we designed our own boats. We were experimenting with lots of different item to see what floats and sinks. In reading we are practising tricky words and writing three letter words ourselves.
We have dance classes with Ms. Casey on Tuesdays and PE on Wednesdays. Next week we are looking at polar bears and other arctic animals.


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January 14 2019

A Winter Wonderland in Senior Infants!

Happy New Year from all of us here in Ms. Olson’s Senior Infants. We can’t believe it is 2019 and we are into our fifth month of school! Time flies when you’re having fun!

In December we explored the theme of Christmas and Wintertime and we really enjoyed ourselves! In Aistear, we loved playing in the Post Office / Santa’s workshop. We had to write letters to Santa, post them in the post box and wait for the elves to design, make and wrap our presents before Santa delivered them to us! At another station we baked chocolate chip cookies for Santa (although we may or may not have eaten them ourselves hehe…)



In Literacy, we read the stories ‘Bear Snores On’ by Karma Wilson and ‘One Snowy Night’ by Nick Buttersworth. Both stories were set in wintertime and the main characters were animals. We also spent some time learning how to write letters. We even drafted our own letters to Santa Claus before copying out the finished piece on to a lovely Santa letter template. Our handwriting was so neat that Ms. Olson displayed them on our classroom wall! In Gaeilge, we learned lots of phrases and new vocabulary surrounding the theme of ‘An Nollaig’. We learnt the songs ‘Bualadh Bos’ and ‘Seo í an Leanbh Íosa’ which are versions of Jingle Bells and Away in a Manger. In Maths we learned about 3D shapes – cube, cuboid, sphere and cylinder. We liked going on shape walks, playing with our 3D Beebot shape mat and making 3D shapes out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks!


In S.E.S.E we learned about the different animals that hibernate and migrate in winter. We also sequenced the story of Christmas and we had great fun learning about materials – in groups we designed toys and we made them out of materials that we could find in the classroom. We then presented our toys to the rest of the class. We also made snow by adding water to polysodium acrylate (the stuff inside nappies!!) in Science!


We made some lovely things in Art last month! We made Christmas elves using our faces, winter penguins, Christmas tree decorations, stain glass nativity scenes and nice Christmas cards for our families. We were very lucky to be able to perform some songs at assembly in Decemeber. We sang an extended version of Jingle Bells and Santa Shark. All the other children loved our performance and even sang along! We also performed our Christmas play ‘What a Star!’ for the school and our parents. We did a fantastic job and Ms. Olson and our parents were so proud of us! We really are superstars in Senior Infants!



Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We hope you liked it! Our next blog is sure to be an interesting read as we are currently learning about Egypt! Check it out next month – in the meantime keep track of what we are doing by following us on twitter – @MsOlsonsClass!

Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Maths, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on A Winter Wonderland in Senior Infants!
January 10 2019

Junior Infants – Room 9

Working on our shapes

Hello and Happy New Year Everyone,

We are all delighted to be back after Christmas, we have only been back for a week and at the moment we are learning about the South Pole.

The South Pole

We are learning about animals, the weather,  and transport that you would use in the South Pole.  Our play area is set up for camping in the South Pole and we have played at cooking food.  We have binoculars, toy penguins and maps to enhance our learning experience.  We have made penguins in Art which are displayed outside our room – come and check them out:)

Our Lovely Penguins
Playing in the South Pole:)



We have been learning about different shapes.  We’ve been making sets and working out which set each shape belongs in.



We have also been learning a poem called The Penguin.

That’s all from Junior Infants – hope you all had a great Christmas and loved our play, as much as we loved doing it.  Bye for now.





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January 10 2019

Paleontologists at work in Ms Hughes’ Class

Lots of exciting things have happened in Senior Infants since our last post. We had an exciting November. Science Week inspired our theme ‘Dinosaurs’. We worked as scientists excavating fossils from our Paleontology sand pit dig. We used our chisels and brushes to uncover fossils and then we recorded our findings on our clip board chart- serious business!

We made our own salt dough ‘fossils’ by imprinting shells and toy dinosaurs into the dough. In art we created dinosaurs bone pictures. Deva also built us an amazing Volcano so we could really go back to a prehistoric world during role play time. We have learnt the different names and characteristics of lots of dinosaurs and we have even done ‘The Dino Stomp’ dance

We really enjoyed our dance classes with Ms Casey and we also wowed the parents and teachers in our performance of ‘A Christmas Toy Story’. We are a talented bunch and can’t wait to see what learning and fun term two brings.


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December 16 2018

“You’re Under Arrest”…..in Ms. Olson’s Senior Infants!

Our theme for the month of November was ‘Jobs’ and what an interesting month it was! In Aistear, we had a Garda Station role play corner which we really loved! We had to answer all the 999 calls and dispatch the guards to different situations. We had a Garda car to take us to those emergencies and we even had a cell to hold the prisoners! We also had to fill out incident forms and take finger-prints. It was a lot of fun!

We also made Emergency Services puppets in Aistear. We made Guards, Mountain Rescuers, Paramedics and Firefighters. Take a look at our creations!

In Literacy we read and did lots of work on two different stories related to our theme – ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers and ‘The Little Red Hen’ by Michael Foreman. These stories show how people help us. In ‘Lost and Found’ the little boy helps the penguin find his way home and in ‘The Little Red Hen’, the hen makes new friends who help her to make bread. We spent a lot of time developing our comprehension skills such as predicting, questioning and summarising when reading these stories, as well as analysing and dramatizing the feelings of the characters. We also wrote a of list of things we thought the little boy and the penguin might need on their trip to the South Pole!

In S.E.S.E we learnt all about jobs. We realised that there are so many different jobs that people do in the world and we had a think about what we would like to be when we grow up. We also learnt about the Emergency Services and the different work that they do. Probably the most interesting part of our month was when we devised questions to interview our parents about their jobs. We practised our interviewing skills in school beforehand by conducting mock interviews in pairs and then we interviewed our parents for homework. We loved hearing about the work that our parents do and we want to say a big thank you to our parents for letting us interview them!

In Music, we learnt lots of songs surrounding our theme such as ‘What shall we do in our work today?’ and ‘Harry was a fireman’. In Art, we made Emergency Services vehicles out of egg carton boxes. Take a look!

Finally we were busy preparing for our Christmas play – ‘What a Star!’ which we performed for our parents in early December. We did a fantastic job and everyone was so proud of us! Here’s a sneak peek of some of the pictures from our dress rehearsal. More to follow on our next blog post! Thanks for reading!




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