September News from Ms. Maguire’s Senior Infants!
Welcome to our Senior Infants blog. September has been a very exciting busy month. We settled in to our new room and have welcomed a new friend into our class. In September we had a lot of fun playing with our new room’s toys and have been busy doing lots of arts and crafts.
Our theme in September was All About Me and in Aistear, we practiced our skills as doctors in role play. We also practiced our fine motor skills through cut and paste. We enjoyed creative play with play dough and constructive play through playing with lego. We watched the song ‘A spoonful of Sugar’ from Mary Poppins, which we found very funny, and we enjoyed learning to sing it by ourselves. We also loved getting to do free play on Fridays.
We have been busy revising our Jolly Phonics from Junior Infants this month. We have been going over our letter formation and writing in our free writing copies. We have also started recount writing focusing on ‘Our News.’ In Irish, we have learned the songs “Lámh, Lámh eile,’ “Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos,’ and ‘Tá teidí ag siúl.’ We have also been practicing our conversation skills. While in maths, we have been revising the story of 5. We have used a lot of materials like teddies and cubes to practice different ways of making 5.
We have been practicing building our hand – eye coordination and our leg strength through practicing our throwing and catching and jumping, hopping and skipping in P.E. We connected our SESE with Art and collected fallen leaves to make an art project in preparation for next month’s theme. We also enjoyed learning about primary colours and the colours that we can make when we mix them.