May 2 2019

Mr Hacketts 2nd Class News!

We’ve had a busy few weeks as we come to the end of the term in 2nd class.

In Maths  we have been looking at money and are working out how to add different amounts and also how much change we get. We have been using coins to help us work out our answers.

We also planted our very own seeds and we were lucky enough to have Cushla bring us in a grow box. We have planted the seeds in small containers in our class and have vegetables of every kind. There certainly are some green hands in this class. This week we will move them and plant them in the garden outside our window.

As Easter is fast approaching we looked at chocolate, how it is made and where it comes from. This was followed up with a trip to the Butlers chocolate factory. We had a tour of the factory where we found out how the chocolates were made and packaged to be sent around the world. We then went to a demonstration and got to decorate our own.

In lift off some of the children have been producing some fantastic projects based on the books they are reading.

Our write a books were returned from being judged and as you can see the children put in some extra hard work really did produce some amazing books!!!!


Posted May 2, 2019 by Admin in category "Second Class", "S.E.S.E", "Science