December 4 2018

Junior Infants – Ms Walsh

Hi Everyone,


We have been very busy and having fun here in Junior Infants, even though we are missing Ms Walsh.


We have been working hard at our Nativity play and we are learning all our songs for that:)


Here we are making or Christmas trees and wreaths, you will see them outside our door when you are coming in to school.

We are also hard at work playing with lego and playdough.

In SPHE we have been learning all about different tastes, like sweet, sour and salty and deciding we we like, and which we don’t like.



We have been doing some relaxation with the book Listen to the Sky which we all really enjoy and feel very relaxed afterwards.


Listen to the Sky Relaxation


Thanks for reading this and see you at our play – We can’t wait!

Posted December 4, 2018 by Admin in category "Junior Infants", "Art", "Music", "Drama", "S.P.H.E