October 18 2024

Library Visit and Book Review

On Wednesday 2nd of October the two fifth classes went to Shankill Library. We went there to see an author called Brían Dungan.He wrote an amazing book called Wintour’s Game, which May Zanchetta, Anna Moloney, Emma Somers and Johann Conlon all read. Here are some of their honest reviews of

the book.

“The cover is amazing! I feel like in a book like this you just need a thief. If I could have powers I’d be an oracle!”

Emma Somers

“The cover really gives a great replication of the story .I love the way you think she’s bad and then all of a sudden she’s good.The guys that can freeze time are the best.

-Johann Conlon

“I think Brían is a very artistic and imaginative person. The book was really great and I’m looking

forward to part two.”

-Anna Moloney

“The book was really good,one of the best I’ve read.It was interesting and it also just kept you

wanting to read more.”

-May Zanchetta

Thank you to Patricia, the librarian for organizing this lovely outing.


Posted October 18, 2024 by Admin in category "Fifth Class", "Literacy