June 15 2020

Junior Infants’ Wall of Fame!

Hello and welcome back to our blog!

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we have not been able to return to school so I asked all the boys and girls in my class to help me once again with this blog! A big thank you to the parents for making this happen!

A positive, that I have taken from this whole experience of lockdown, is the time that I have been able to spend with my family. It is also a time when I have tried new things, learnt new skills or gotten back into something that I previously enjoyed. I hope that the children in my class and their families feel the same!

This month, I asked the children to write about something that they are proud of doing or learning during lockdown. Take a look at our ‘Wall of Fame’ to read these lovely messages from the children. I am particularly proud of the children and how well they have adapted to distance learning and it was amazing to read about all the things that they have done with their families during these times. It just goes to show that not all learning happens inside a classroom, learning happens all around us!

“During lockdown I have spent a lot of time in the Park. I am very proud because I have learnt how to climb trees.” – Louis

“I am very proud of many things that I’ve achieved during the last three months but I am most proud of learning how to ride a bike without stabilisers. I was practising very hard and now I can ride on my own. I also got a new bike recently and I love it!” – Julia

“I am really proud of improving my handwriting, all the books I have read and planting my first strawberry plant. I love strawberries and hope I can grow loads in my back garden!” – Lauryn

“I have loved learning to bake cakes I am not allergic to with my Mummy and Daddy! I also like that I can eat the spare cake mixture left over at the end, it is yummy!” –  Lucy

“I am proud of mastering my reading skills by reading many books by myself.” – Nikodem

“I am proud of doing lots of drawing with my Dad.” – Séamus

“I am proud of my handwriting, tree climbing, jumping and cycling.” – Robyn

“I am proud of my family, riding my bike, my reading and my writing. I can’t wait to go back to school.” – Molly

“I learned to make scones this month and the best part was getting to eat them. I’m proud of the ice-cream I made.” – Naoise

Well that’s it everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading our blog! Thanks again to the children and their parents for sharing their ‘proud’ moments. Here’s a quote to finish off, which I think sums up this post: ‘We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” – Winnie the Pooh

Category: Junior Infants, Literacy, Art, Physical Education | Comments Off on Junior Infants’ Wall of Fame!
October 14 2019

September News from Ms. Olson’s New Junior Infant Class!

Welcome to our first blog post as Ms. Olson’s New Junior Infant Class! We are so happy to have started big school in St. Anne’s and we have all settled in well to school life. We had a fantastic first day of school meeting our new friends and our teacher – take a look!

For our first month in Junior Infants we learned about Homes and Houses. In Aistear we had great fun doing lots of different activities each week. In the socio-dramatic play corner, we enjoyed playing in the kitchen making dinner; acting out the different parts in ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and pretending to be the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf! We did lots of construction activities such as playing with Lego, Duplo, Stickle Bricks and Straws – we made things like houses for the Three Little Pigs and different sized furniture for Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We enjoyed playing with playdough – we made furniture for houses; bricks, sticks and straws for the Three Little Pigs’ houses and different sized bowls of porridge for Goldilocks. We also practised our cutting and sticking skills whilst sequencing the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Little Pigs and we enjoyed playing with the farm animals in small world.


In English we have been learning our Jolly Phonics. We have enjoyed learning the songs and actions which we practise everyday. We have finished the first set of phonics and are now on to our second set. We like playing games to learn our sounds such as ‘I spy’ and ‘Hide and Seek’ with flashcards – our teacher hides sounds around the classroom which we have to find and when we find them we have to say a word that contains the sound. After we have learned a sound we colour in our Jolly Phonics book and we have stations to practise letter formation. These stations include drawing the sound in sand, making it using playdough / counters / pegboards and writing it on mini whiteboards. Once we have mastered this, we practise writing the sound in our Jolly Phonics book. We learnt lots of poems and nursery rhymes which have helped us to understand rhyming and we have read lots of stories – we especially love all the Julia Donaldson books!

In Maths we have been doing lots of counting games – forwards and backwards to ten. We like making human number lines, counting with our counting stick, listening to objects being dropped into a tin and counting the sounds and we love when the naughty fairy comes and messes up our number line for us to fix! We have learnt how to sort objects by colour, shape, size and type. We have been practising writing our numbers, making sets of specific numbers and learning about patterns.

In Gaeilge we have learned lots of songs and phrases relating to the themes Mé Féin (Myself) and Sa Bhaile (Home). We particularly like the songs ‘Tá Teidí ag siúl’ and ‘Rólaí Pólaí’. In S.E.S.E (Science, Geography and History), we learnt about ourselves, our families, our school, homes and electricity. We went on a tour of the school and mapped out our journey using shapes and bricks. In the picture below – the yellow hexagons depict classrooms, the bricks depict the corridors and the green Lego pieces depict the three yards. We learnt about the different rooms in homes, things you might find in those rooms and activities that happen there. We looked at homes in the past and we did a class poll to see what type of home everyone lived in. We learned about electricity and we investigated making static electricity. We managed to make our hair stand up, we attached a balloon to a wall, we picked up pieces of paper using a balloon and we bent water in the tap using a balloon!

In Art, we drew and painted our self portraits, we made 2D shape houses and we made the The Three Little Pigs’ houses of straw, sticks and bricks. We have learned lots of songs in Music – our personal favourites are ‘Stepping Over Stepping Stones’ and ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ as they are both marching songs. We love to start our day with a song! In Drama we explored and dramatised the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ – we thought it was so funny when Ms. Olson pretended to be the Old Woman and we had to help her!

To finish off, we love doing Gymnastics on a Wednesday with Ms. Tighe and Ball Skills with Steve on a Friday. We also enjoy doing our fine motor stations every afternoon where we practise our cutting skills, writing our names and developing our hand muscles to help us when we begin writing. We hope you enjoyed reading our blog – we know its very long but we have packed so much into one short month that we had to share it all with you! Check back in with us next month to find out what we got up to in October!


Category: Junior Infants, Literacy, Numeracy, Gaeilge, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Drama, Physical Education | Comments Off on September News from Ms. Olson’s New Junior Infant Class!
June 28 2019

The Daily Mile!

I am in fourth class and my teacher is Mr.Allen. Every day we keep fit by doing the Daily Mile. Everyone loves it. We run 16 laps around the yard for our mile and some find it challenging while others find it easy. Mr.Allen times us and the best time in our class is 6m and 25seconds. A lot of people have improved and gotten a lot better over the course of the year. The aim of the exercise is to beat your best time. That is how it keeps us fit. Anyone who beats their best time gets a subject pass. Why don’t you try the Daily Mile?

Media Team

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June 11 2019

May News from Ms. Olson’s Class!

Our theme for the month of May was ‘The Sea’. We had great fun during Aistear time as we had a pirate ship in the classroom! We had to sail our private ship and go on the hunt for treasure! We also made pirate ships out of Lego and engaged with lots of messy play in the form of water and sand play! Towards the end of the month we did some paper weaving and made woven fish. They turned out really well!



In English, we read the story, ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. We focused on using our comprehension strategies including summarising and questioning. We also worked on our rhyming skills as Julia Donaldson’s books are great for learning about rhyme. This really helped us when we came to write in our PAT rhyming word families book. We also read ‘Winnie Under the Sea’ by Valerie Thomas. We thought this story was really funny. We wrote a summary of the story in our copy books and Ms. Olson was so impressed with our handwriting and spelling!

In Maths, we had lots of fun learning about capacity. We played with sand, counters, cubes and water as we investigated the capacity of different objects. We read the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and had to decide which bowls and cups to use for the three Bears by estimating and measuring which container held more / less. We even had a little popcorn party and had to decide which was the best container to use to share out the popcorn! We also started subtraction in May which is amazing because subtraction is really First Class work!

In Gaeilge, we learned lots of nice poems, songs and phrases surrounding the themes of ‘An Teilifís’ (Television) and ‘Siopadóireacht’ (Shopping). In S.E.S.E, we spoke about a trip to the seaside and wrote about a time that we went to the seaside and what we did there. We also learned about the Titanic. We were very lucky because two boys in our class brought in some fact books about the Titanic that we had a little read of. It was very interesting. We watched some underwater footage of the Titanic and were amazed that there are still some plates in the cabinets in one of the dining rooms!

It was Active Schools Week at the end of May and what a week it was! On Monday we had martial arts and circuit training. On Tuesday we had Sports Day. On Wednesday we had GAA and dance lessons and on Friday we got to go on four bouncey castles. It was such a fun week!


In Music, we learned some nice songs including ‘Apusski Dusski’ which is a song about a sardine, ‘Jackie the Sailor’ and ‘Chuaigh mé go dtí an Trá’. We also listened to some songs from ‘The Little Mermaid’ and discussed the mood of the songs. We also got a visit from Music Generation which was very cool. They showed us some instruments including the Cello, the Violin and the Piccolo. They also played us a few pieces of music. It was very enjoyable. Finally in Art we made lots of cool pieces. We made newspaper shark collages, paper plate jellyfish and egg carton Titanics! Check them out! Thanks for reading our blog, we cannot believe we only have a couple of weeks left in school before the holidays and before we become big First Class!!


Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Numeracy, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Physical Education | Comments Off on May News from Ms. Olson’s Class!
May 28 2019

An Interview with Mr. Allen!

Recently the boys and girls of the 5th and 6th class soccer teams have had a lot of success. That is why I have interviewed Mr. Allen, their coach to find out how they are getting on.

I wanted to get some background information on Mr. Allen and see how long he has been a coach. I wondered had many of his teams won before and if there were any exciting games coming up soon.

 Mr. Allen has been coaching the girl’s soccer team for one year now. He has been coaching the boys’ soccer team for 3 months. The boys’ last match was on Wednesday the 10th of April and they won 10-nil which was an amazing result. The girls’ last match was on the 2nd of April and they drew 2-2 which is also a great result.

If the boys win their next match they will be in the league quarter final and that goes for the girls too. This is amazing. We are so lucky to have Mr. Allen so dedicated to both our boys’ and girls’ teams.  Mr. Allen also told me that the boys are also in the cup semi-finals. The boys have not lost any of their matches so far and the girls have only lost two.  These are both incredible records. These records are in place because of Mr. Allen’s work and also the boys and girls who train so hard and are always ready to play a match. Mr. Allen’s favourite part about being a coach is giving boys and girls the opportunity to play sports on a team for their school.

We hope that we will be able to bring some more good news soon!

By Anna

Mr. Allen’s 4th class

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April 16 2019

February News from Ms. Olson’s Class!

In February we learnt all about animals. We had great fun playing in our Veterinary Surgery role play corner during Aistear time. In English, we read the story, Farmer Duck, written by Martin Waddell and we practised our summarising and sequencing skills. We loved reading this story as it was very funny!

In Maths, we learnt about weight. We had lots of fun sorting different objects according to weight and playing and measuring with balances. We even got to bake some tasty buns!



In Gaeilge we learnt lots of phrases and songs relating to the themes of  Éadaí  (Clothes) and ‘Sa Bhaile’ (Home). In S.E.S.E we learnt about farmers and vets, animals and their young and how to care for our pets. We also did some report writing on ‘Our Pets’.

In Drama, we read the story ‘Cleopatra Silverwing’ by Adria Meserve. This story follows the life of a beautiful butterfly who loves doing cherry dip flips and loop-the-loops! One day she decides to go on an adventure instead of doing what she’s told – a storm is brewing and she is told it’s time to head home. We pretended to be Cleopatra doing her stunts and we came up with solutions to her problems that she faced on her adventure. In Music, we sang some lovely songs related to our animal theme – ‘Who Built the Ark?’ and ‘Please Mr. Noah’. In Art we made some cute little piggies out of cardboard tubes to celebrate Chinese New Year and we made animals out of clay!


Finally in P.E we learnt a dance to the Lion King’s ‘I just can’t wait to be King’. We did dance lessons with Ms. Casey for six weeks and at the end, we performed this dance for all the children at Junior Assembly. You can check out our dance on Twitter @MsOlsonsClass.


Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Maths, Gaeilge, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education | Comments Off on February News from Ms. Olson’s Class!
March 27 2019

Interview with Steve Davis, GAA Ballskills Coach in St Anne’s.

Q. Where in the school do you teach your classes?

A. In the junior and senior yard.

Q. What skills do they learn?

A. They learn the solo, pick up, kick pass, hand pass, high catch, chest catch and the punt kick.

Q. Are the skills hard, medium or easy level?

A. They are medium level.

Q. Do you do any warm up games?

A. Yes, flush the toilet, stuck in the mud, the traffic light game and tag.

Q. Are your classes good at it?

A. Yes. Very good at it.

Q. Do they get lots of exercise?

A. They do, most of the drills involve moving.

Q. What is your favourite skill to teach?

A. The punt kick.

Q. Do they enjoy it?

A. Yes, they do enjoy it.

Q. Do you enjoy it?

A. Yes.

Q. Is it fun!?

A. Yes, it is great fun.

Steve says:

It is great to see boys and girls learning new skills whilst having fun. It’s great to see so many boys and girls from St. Anne’s school playing for Shankill G.A.A club during the week and during the weekend.

Category: Media Team, Physical Education | Comments Off on Interview with Steve Davis, GAA Ballskills Coach in St Anne’s.
March 11 2019

Back to School with a Bang in Senior Infants!

January was an interesting month in Senior Infants because we learnt all about Egypt! We had lots of fun during Aistear time. We enjoyed playing in the Airport Role Play corner where we pretended to be going on our holidays to Egypt. We liked building pyramids out of Lego. We pretended to be archaeologists digging for buried treasure during sand play and we worked as a team to create cool mummies and sarcophaguses.


In English, we spent a lot of time on narrative writing as we entered the Write a Book Project. Our book was about a little boy and a little girl called John and Jojo. They went on a school tour to an Egyptian museum and managed to travel back in time to have a scary encounter with a mummy! It all turned out ok in the end though!

In Gaeilge, we learned many songs and phrases around the topics of Bia (food) and Éadaí (Clothes). We loved playing little language games using picture cards in pairs because we were able to talk to our friends using the simple phrases that we’d learnt. In Maths we revised pattern and data. We made lots of different patterns using shapes, camels, pegboards and unifi cubes. We did a survey of our class to investigate what everyone’s favourite toy was and then we recorded the data by making bar charts.



In S.E.S.E we learnt all about Egypt. We learned about Egypt’s landscape, rivers, mountains and cities. We learnt about Egyptian food and animals that you might find in Egypt such as camels, cheetahs, crocodiles, hyenas and cobras. Then we learnt about Egyptian pharaohs such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra and about pyramids and mummies. We found it all very fascinating!

In Art, we wrote our names in Egyptian hieroglyphs and we made pharaoh pictures using our photographs. We also made Egyptian golden necklaces using dyed pasta! They all turned out really well!


In Music we’ve been learning lots of songs as we always start our day with a song. We particularly enjoyed learning the song ‘Over in the Meadow’ and we loved performing it for our Grandparents on Grandparent’s Day. In Drama, we read the story ‘The Girl with the Red Slippers’ which is an Egyptian version of Cinderella. We had great fun pretending to be ballerinas and acting out the different parts in the story. Finally, we have been doing dance in P.E with Catherine Casey and we learnt a dance from the Lion King. You can check it out on our twitter page – @MsOlsonsClass

Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Numeracy, Gaeilge, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Drama, Physical Education | Comments Off on Back to School with a Bang in Senior Infants!
January 23 2019

News from Ms. Rigby’s First Class!

It has been quite a while since our last blog post. We had a busy few weeks leading up to Christmas. We had an amazing performance at our Christmas play and everyone was so proud of us. We sang with beautiful singing voices and we said our lines using our stage voices.

We came back from Christmas with a fresh attitude to work. We have been focusing on the theme of toys and have even invented our own toy. We had to make sure our toys were unique enough for someone to want to buy one.  We had some great ideas like an edible unicorn doll that grows back when you eat it! We will post some pictures of our work in our next blog post!

We’ve also been very lucky to start ball skill this term with Steve. We’ve had two weeks so far and we have really enjoyed it!


Category: First Class, Drama, Physical Education | Comments Off on News from Ms. Rigby’s First Class!
November 18 2018

School Tours in Ms. Kett’s Sixth Class!

Another busy month in 6th class – we can’t actually believe how quickly time is flying by.

The highlight of the last few weeks has to have been watching the girl’s team battle courageously and determinedly in Croke Park and our school tour to Henrietta Street and The Hugh Lane gallery.

We are so proud of the girl’s team and we really respect them for getting out there, staying active, giving their all and representing us and St.Anne’s in such a positive way. Team sports are such a brilliant way of staying fit and healthy but also, committing to a team teaches us to work together, respect and support each other and handle life’s ups and downs and highs and lows in a way that we can’t be simply told about or taught in a classroom. It is invaluable experience that teaches us resilience and important life lessons.

Our tour to Henrietta Street was another day of learning and fun. We arrived at the building in the heart of Dublin city and immediately upon entering, were transported to another time and place. We had really interesting guides who explained to us the history of the building and gave us a good understanding of the lives of the families who lived and sometimes sadly died there. We learned about the different stages in it’s history, which reflected the history of Dublin through the years. It’s journey from a prosperous and flambouyant townhouse during the Georgian Era in Dublin to the slums and tenaments of Dublin’s darkest days, to an example of a family’s home during the 1930s until its last occupants left in the late 1970s. It was a facinating and nostalgic tour that opened our eyes to life in our city in the past. We would highly recommend it to everyone – young and old.


We had a fantastic last day before mid-term with dress up and cake eating fun and we are looking forward to the run in to christmas now 🙂


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