October 14 2018

News from Ms. Black’s Junior Infants

We have settled into school and made lots of new friends. We work and play really well together. We are learning letters and enjoy singing the jolly phonics songs. We have been making repeating patterns in maths and learning our numbers and counting sets.

We learned lots about Autumn and made lovely colourful autumn trees . We have collected lots of leaves, acorns and conkers. We learned a poem about a squirrel called Whisky Frisky!

We have enjoyed the story about The Scarecrow’s Wedding and did role play, construction and art activities based on it. We made fabulous scarecrows and  they even have repeating patterns on their clothes.


We are doing really well at GAA football skills, our coach Steve is very impressed. We are looking forward to Halloween and will make some scary Witches and funny pumpkins.



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October 11 2018

Ms. Rigby’s First Class are a Talented Bunch!

We’ve had a great few weeks in first class. We were honoured to be chosen to be the first class to lead junior assembly. We had to practice really hard and we set a very high standard for everyone else to follow. We were so proud of our amazing performance. Our performance was all about talents and how each of us have different talents. We really are such a talented bunch!

Something really exciting happened this year. In first class, we get to go to the library every Tuesday. We walk so quietly to the library and choose a book at our level. We are so good at this because we had a class discussion before our first library session. We made some great informative posters to help us remember our library rules.


Our first theme of the year was all about clothes. We found it interesting especially when studying Clothes of the past. We can now tell you all about clothes from the 1900’s, 1960’s and the 1980’s. We also discussed what clothes we wear in different seasons. We’ve now moved onto the theme of autumn and we have already learned so much. In pairs, we created amazing sensory poems.  We also read a lovely story called ‘Don’t hog the hedge’. We got to meet many animals who hibernate throughout this story.

Thanks for taking the time to read all about our work so far this year. We really are having such a fantastic time in Room 3!




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October 3 2018

September News from Ms. Olson’s Class!

What a start to a fantastic new year in Senior Infants! Our monthly theme for September was ‘All About Me’ and we thoroughly enjoyed learning about families, our bodies, our school and of course recognising how special and unique we all are!

During Aistear time, we had great fun playing in the Doctor’s Surgery role play corner. We had to sign patients in at reception and instruct them to wait in our waiting room, before being seen by the doctor in the treatment room. We were also very excited to play ‘Teach your Monster to Read’ on the class computers and we’re definitely getting the hang of using the mouse and the keyboard now.


In English, we have been working really hard to learn all our Jolly Phonics and to develop our blending skills. We read ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell and ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ by Julia Donaldson and learnt how to predict, question, summarise and make connections! In Maths, we have been super busy sorting collections of objects into sets, making patterns and partitioning for three, four and five. We also carried out some data investigations and recorded them both on paper and using our interactive board. In Gaeilge, we learnt many phrases in relation to ‘Mé Féin’ and ‘Lá Bréithe’ and sang some new songs and rhymes.


In S.E.S.E, we made family trees, identified the names of our body parts and went on a tour of our school before creating a big map on the classroom floor of our journey. In Drama, we played some fun games and read ‘Elmer’ by David McKee. Poor Elmer was sad that he was different from all the other elephants but we helped him to feel better by finding a solution to his problem! We like to start our day with a song, so we have been singing some lovely songs in Music. We are currently learning a song in preparation for Halloween – it is called ‘There was an old witch..’ And last but not least, we have made some beautiful artwork in Senior Infants. We drew and painted our self portraits and made some lovely Wassily Kandinsky inspired autumn trees!


Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Numeracy, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Music, Drama | Comments Off on September News from Ms. Olson’s Class!
May 9 2018

April was an Eggciting Month in Senior Infants!

What a busy month we’ve had in Senior Infants! Our monthly theme was ‘The Sea’ and we had great fun exploring this topic.

In English we read the stories, ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson and discovered that Julia is a big fan of rhyming words just like we are! We love ‘Rhyme Time’ in our class each morning! We found some very interesting words for our word wall and we liked writing our own adventures for the Snail and the Whale. We also wrote about a time when we went to the seaside (real or imaginary!).

In Maths we had great fun learning about capacity. We sorted different sized containers and estimated and measured how much water, sand and different materials could fit into them. We also decided which containers would be best for holding different materials. Ms. Olson played a trick on us in our last capacity lesson – she poured water from a small container into a larger container and asked us if the containers had the same amount of water in them or whether they were different! Ms. Olson managed to trick quite a few of us (hehe!).

We had great fun in S.E.S.E this month. We learned about ‘The Titanic’ and constructed our own Titanic models in Art. We investigated different materials from the seaside including sand, pebbles, stones, sea glass, driftwood and even seaweed. We were able to touch the materials and feel the difference that water had on them. For example, when the seaweed was dry it felt quite crunchy and hard and when wet it was slimey and slippery! We also did a floating and sinking experiment and made predictions about which objects would float and which would sink. We learned about some interesting sea animals too. Did you know that an octopus has blue blood? We were very lucky to receive a Big Grow package from our friends at Innocent. We grew some lovely cress, spinach and peas and made sure to water them everyday.

In Music, we learned the song Apusski Dusky and performed it for the Junior School at assembly. We also listened and resonded to songs from The Little Mermaid – ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Part of Your World’. In Art, as well as our Titanics, we made jellyfish mobiles and newpaper sharks and in Drama, we helped ‘The Rainbow Fish’ decide what to do with his shimmering scales.


We had great fun in our Aistear stations this month, in particular, we really enjoyed our time in ‘The Pirate Ship’. We also loved our time at the water and sand play station. We love getting messy!

However, perhaps the biggest news we have from Senior Infants this month is: We welcomed four beautiful ducklings into the world! We incubated the eggs for 28 days and on the 25th and 26th April 2018 we welcomed James Pond, Smash, Sir Quacks-a-lot and DJ Tiny into Senior Infants. At two weeks old, they are now too big to come to school anymore and they are off to a lovely new farm home in Enniskerry to be with some other ducks. We’ll miss their little chirps in the classroom!

That’s all from us here in Senior Infants, we hope you’ve enjoyed reading our blog post!


Category: Senior Infants, Literacy, Numeracy, Aistear, S.E.S.E, Art, Drama | Comments Off on April was an Eggciting Month in Senior Infants!
December 13 2017

A Busy Month in 5th Class!

This November in Ms. D’Arcy and Ms. Ní Mhurchú’s 5th class we did quite a lot! “Mum’s the word” – but we’ve been reading a lot of Shakespeare lately. That’s just one of the phrases that the Bard introduced to everyday life. Other phrases you’re probably familiar with are: “Not slept one wink”, “Fashionable”, “A wild goose chase” and “All’s well that ends well”. Old Spike Milligan has been broadening our imaginations with his crazy poetry including “On the Ning Nang Nong”

Our minds have nearly exploded with all the knowledge we’ve learned about Pompeii and Rome! We’ve made our own volcanoes erupt and wrote stories about life as a gladiator. We thought long division would divide our heads altogether but it surprised us by being very simple.

We also learned how to sketch and draw our classmates with fantastic results. In Gaeilge we’ve been using the APOE system which is an easy way for children to create sentences as Gaeilge. We’ve also been working hard on our Briathra Neamhrialta!

We hope you’re on your best behaviour, because if not – who you gonna call? PEACE PROTECTORS! A group of us in fifth class have been given the responsibility to help out on yard and we have cool high viz jackets so we can be easily seen.

We all felt like winners when Sam Maguire came to visit. We even got to touch him (never washing our hands again!). What a busy month it was! – and December is set to be even busier. ..



By Ava Mulcahy and Jennifer O’ Dwyer


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November 14 2017

History and Narrative Writing in Ms. Aivalikli’s Class

I visited Ms. Aivalikli’s sixth class today. They have been learning about Georgian Dublin this month. They have focused on the architecture and history of the time. Students have been doing PowerPoint Presentations and Reports on either the Four Courts, James Gandon or Georgian Homes. They are going into Collin’s Barracks to look at Georgian furniture and clothing and will be sketching the Four Courts.

In English they have been working on Narrative writing, creating tension and using descriptive words. They will be writing their own stories soon.

By James

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November 6 2017

Debating in Third Class!

Hi my name is Teagan.

Mr Dunne’s class have been doing a lot of fun stuff that I will be telling you about. So let’s get started!

First they did some Art. Every day they watch the news. In fact, they have been doing some debates and did you know that the people on the news ask questions?  Well they sent in their answers hoping that they would be read.

They have been doing their family projects and they went on a nature walk. They have been reading David Walkers book called Rat Burgan. They did a bit of pulse exercise and they found that cool!

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