October 16 2017

Artistic Aztecs in Fifth Class!

Ms. Lennon’s class were learning about all elements of the Aztecs. For example, they learned that girls married at the age of fourteen, whilst boys married at the age of nineteen. The Aztecs ate a lot of cheese. Also, they had two gods for most things, for example, they had two war gods so one could sleep and one could work.

Ms. Lennon’s class also made some Aztec art such as sun stones from clay. Next the class will make some mosaic masks.
Ms. Lennon’s Aztec Art
By James, Media Team
Category: Fifth Class, Media Team, S.E.S.E, Art | Comments Off on Artistic Aztecs in Fifth Class!
June 8 2017

Our Junior Entrepreneurs and Our Fabulous Choir

Ms Nic Ghearailt’s class received the Junior Entrepreneur Award for their business. The class sold brownies with chocolate chips. They gave twenty percent of the profit to the Peter McVerry Trust for the homeless. The class came up with their own business idea. They have also been learning a lot about the homeless this year and have built a homeless shelter.

Ms Lennon’s class are doing a play for the End of Year Show. The show will have a dance, singing and recorder that they have already performed at the National Concert Hall. They also sang at both Communions and the 6th Class Confirmation.


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May 8 2017

Junior Entrepreneur Programme and the National Children’s Choir

Recently, the two 5th classes have been very busy with some amazing work and projects.

Starting with Ms Nic Ghearailt’s Class, they were highly successful with their Junior Entrepreneur Program Showcase Day. The class ended up with €1000 profit but made a charitable donation of €200 for The Peter McVerry Trust. The delicious brownies were remarkable and very tasty. They have also been doing projects about Africa and its countries within.

Ms Lennon’s class represented St Anne’s at the National Children’s choir. Their beautiful voices were heard on the 5th of April by an audience of 1200 people. They sang fifteen songs in Irish, English, Latin and Italian. The choir consisted of 500 children. They have been learning a lot about the Normans  too and they thoroughly enjoyed their trip on Friday the 28th of April to Trim Castle.

By Kate, Media Team

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