Mr Hackett’s Second Class
Welcome to Mr Hacketts Second class. Last term our theme was Autumn and our Locality. We have been busy Maths bees using all our new Maths equipment to help us visualise our maths sums and problem solve. We’ve had loads of fun and learned lots.
We have also been learning and gathering lots about Autumn as we see the signs all around us. The children have made a nature table with leaves , berries, nuts and conkers. Our art work has focused around this and we have done leaf rubbings and chalk/pastel pictures to capture the wonderful colours of Autumn.
In science we have been examining the effects of gravity and we carried out some tests making our own helicopters. We were even able to use sycamore seeds to see the original helicopter at work. The end of term was very exciting and spooky. Check out some of our Halloween decorations and costumes.